Ihmisiä ulkona Satama Areenan edustalla


Event Centre Satama fosters vibrant local life and event industry – sustainably.

Taloudellinen vastuullisuus

Taloudellinen vastuullisuus näkyy Satama Areenan päivittäisessä toiminnassa liiketoiminnan kannattavuudesta, tehokkuudesta ja kilpailukyvystä huolehtimalla (riskit huomioon ottaen).

Sosiaalinen vastuullisuus

Satama Areenan ydintehtävänä on tukea tapahtuma- ja matkailuelinkeinon kasvua Kotkan seudulla sekä lisätä kaupungin houkuttelevuutta, elinvoimaisuutta ja hyvinvointia.


Sustainable development, social responsibility and ambitious environmental goals are the cornerstones of Event Centre Satama’s operation. It is an integral part of sustainable development in Kotka, fostering a vibrant local community while respecting both the environment and the people of Kotka. Economic and social responsibility are present in the Event Centre’s everyday activities.

Event Centre Satama is founded on sustainability, material efficiency, low-carbon structures and sustainable energy solutions. Recyclability, maintainability and durability have been important factors in the choice of building materials: when complete, Event Centre Satama pursues a BREEAM rating of ’Very Good’. BREEAM is Europe’s leading environmental certification system based on common European standards.

Wood is the primary material of the building frame, and Finnish wood is used in the floor and wall coverings. The wooden frame complies with the environmental goals of the building while also having gone through materials cost optimisation. Several steps have been taken to improve the ecological efficiency of Event Centre Satama: the concrete structures have longer design life, the building systems are easily maintained and their units replaced, and the demountability of the structures has already been taken into account in the planning stage. The facade of the building is durable and recycleable Rheinzink titanium zinc: a maintenance-free and naturally ecological material that acquires a beautiful patina over time due to the influence of wind and weather.

We are also in the process of qualifying for the ISO 20121 certification. ISO 20121 is a management system standard that specifies the requirements for sustainable event management: organisations can use the system to systematically build their event-related activities and services to respond to growing customer needs. ISO 20121 has been designed particularly for the events industry, and it highlights the importance of managing interest groups and the supply chain. The standard comprehends the social, economic and environmental perspectives, emphasises a risk-based approach and, as other ISO standards, is founded on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.